Can Coffee Help A Hangover? Unveiling the Truth About Morning Relief - Zaca

Can Coffee Help A Hangover? Unveiling the Truth About Morning Relief

Can Coffee Help A Hangover

Curious if coffee can aid you on the dreaded day-after? As a supplement company with years of research, we'll delve into can coffee help a hangover, the science behind it, and discovering if it may help give morning relief.

Coffee For Hangovers

Experiencing a hangover after a night of revelry can leave you feeling sluggish and irritable. Many wonder if a cup of coffee can provide recovery from this post-party slump.

Caffeine is commonly the focus of this debate, assuming that the caffeine can help alleviate a hangover. We'll get into the science behind this theory and if it's true or not.

What Causes A Hangover?

A hangover is the unwelcome aftermath of overindulging in alcohol. When you consume alcohol, it triggers various effects on your body that can lead to a hangover the next day.

One study particularly in South Korea on hangovers has provided much clarity. It found that elevated levels of cytokines in the body from a hangover, which is an inflammatory response.¹ This is among many other factors that may contribute to a hangover.

Here's the main factors that may cause a hangover:

  • Immune Response
  • Dehydration
  • Alcohol's Impact on Blood Sugar
  • Stomach Irritation
  • Acetaldehyde
  • Disrupted Sleep Patterns
  • Toxins and Congeners

Understanding these physiological effects can help us understand can coffee help a hangover.

Can Coffee Help A Hangover?

Maybe, based on the science we found little research to show coffee can help a hangover, but one study the showed coffee could play a beneficial role.

First off, in our estimation coffee can ward off alcohol-indued fatigue due to the caffeine.

While no studies proved coffee could help a hangover, one study pointed to caffeine playing a key role. When mixed with over-the-counter (OTC NSAIDs) drugs such as Aspirin or Ibuprofen, it was shown to help with the head-pounding after effects of alcohol by aiding to block acetate.²

Here's the findings:

  • Caffeine can block ethanol-induced hypersensitivity.²
  • Caffeine may ease other hangover symptoms like malaise and fatigue.²
  • When combined with a NSAID drug, hangover benefits are observed.²

Based on these findings, caffeine alone in coffee won't cure a hangover, but could help with some of the effects. By combining it with a NSAID drug for pain relief, benefits to a hangover and headache can be observed as studied.

Is Coffee Good Or Bad For A Hangover?

Coffee can be both good and bad for a hangover.


With the research presented above, due to caffeine it could help hangover effects such as malaise and fatigue. It can make pain reliever up to 40% more effective, which is why in combination it can be a hangover option.


On the negative side, the caffeine in coffee could cause dehydration as it's a diuretic, and aggravate your stomach.⁸ In large amounts it may also cause anxiety, headaches, sleeplessness, and even a "caffeine hangover."⁷ These symptoms are eerily similar to hangover, so you have to be careful when consuming coffee.

Overall, coffee can be good or bad for a hangover. We believe there's so many factors that contribute to a hangover, you'll have to test its effectiveness for yourself.

Is Coffee Good For Hangover Headache?

No, based on the caffeine research, it may aid with hangover symptoms such as malaise and fatigue but not the hangover headache.

The specific study is done not on coffee, rather on the combination of caffeine and pain killer drugs (like Aspirin). The pain killer drug plays a specific role with the headache, so it does not appear that coffee on its own would be effective.

Caffeine Hangover

Surprisingly, caffeine in itself can cause hangover symptoms from sources like coffee, noted as a caffeine hangover.¹²

A caffeine hangover usually happens 12-24 hours after consumption, like from your last cup of coffee. And it's usually related to a high caffeine amount, but can happen with moderate amounts.

Dr Bal Athwal explains that while caffeine such as from coffee can constrict the brain’s blood vessels, a break causes blood vessels to dilate and increased blood flow.¹²

Caffeine Hangover Symptoms:¹²

  • headache
  • fogginess
  • fatigue
  • jitteriness or anxiousness 
  • poor sleep
  • poor concentration
  • light and noise sensitivity  

This caffeine hangover problem creates concern for using  caffeinated coffee for hangovers, with some risk that it could cause one.

Is Coffee Good After Drinking Alcohol?

Yes, coffee can be good after drinking alcohol, specifically due to the caffeine content.

The combination of caffeine and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication was found to be most effective about 4 hours after drinking.⁴ This is due to it helping to block acetate when levels are most likely to spike after drinking, which is found to be a potential culprit in the negative effects of alcohol.

5 Surprising Facts On What Helps (And Doesn't Help) A Hangover

A small group of researchers devoted themselves to the science of a hangover for 5-6 years.¹ With ground-breaking discoveries, WIRED magazine revealed surprising facts on what helps, and doesn't help, a hangover.

1. Electrolytes Don't Differ¹

Levels of electrolytes in research of hungover and dehydrated people showed no difference to the control group, and hangover severity did not correlate either.¹

2. Acetaldehyde Not Correlated¹

Acetaldehyde, which is a toxin from alcohol, has been hypothesized to cause a hangover. But this group found that acetaldehyde levels are low when hangover symptoms are present.¹

3. Sugar Can Worsen Symptoms¹

Sugar, such as glucose and fructose, was shown to not help a hangover. In fact, sugar combined with alcohol has been shown to to increase lactate, and lactate was found to make hangovers worse.¹

4. Immune System Related¹

Researchers found significant evidence that a hangover was actually caused by an inflammatory response in the body. Elevated cytokines levels were observed, which are used by the immune system.¹

5. Hovenia Herb Used for 500 Years¹

Jing Liang was experimenting with Chinese herbs, and with one called Hovenia Dulcis that was renowned for 500 years in Asia for alcohol use. A flavonoid in it, DHM (dihydromyricetin), showed promising results as people they gave it to felt less hungover the next day.¹

In conclusion when searching can coffee help a hangover, these surprising facts can help you combat your next hangover and also know what doesn't work.

Hovenia Chewable Supplement For Recovery

Supplement For Alcohol
A chewable supplement made from Hovenia Dulcis, Zaca is designed to help support the liver, recovery, and hydration. Providing a unique blend of ingredients, Hovenia Dulcis naturally contains the DHM flavonoid and is known for its antioxidant support. Made in a delicious berry flavor, for drinking simply take 4 chewables at bedtime. Try Zaca's chewable supplement today and bounce back faster.



1. Everything Science Knows About Hangovers—And How to Cure Them
2. Acetate Causes Alcohol Hangover Headache in Rats
3. And the definitive hangover cure is ... plain old coffee and aspirin, actually
4. Is coffee the real cure for a hangover?
5. Does caffeine treat or trigger headaches?
6. The Link Between Caffeine and Headaches
7. Diuretic Effects of Caffeine
8. How to Cure a Hangover
9. Coffee As A Hangover Cure
10. Caffeine Doesn't Reverse the Negative Cognitive Impact of Alcohol, Study Shows
11. Can drinking coffee treat a hangover?
12. Caffeine hangovers are real, and here’s how they impact your fitness regime
13. Can Coffee Help Cure a Hangover?


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