Enjoy The Show: 5 Essential Concert Tips - Zaca

Enjoy The Show: 5 Essential Concert Tips

Over the years, we've been to many concerts at Red Rocks and Fiddlers Green in Denver Colorado.

There were shows where we had the time of our lives. We got right up front with the perfect view. We went backstage and hung out with some of our favorite bands. We were perfectly fed and hydrated. We felt more alive than ever before and the whole atmosphere seemed to speak to our souls. Then, there were other times. Glasses were pulverized in mosh pits. Contacts ripped. Outdoor events were ravaged by torrential downpour, hurricanes, and 90-degree sun. We were kicked in the head, pushed onto the ground, squished from all angles, and nearly in tears having to pee so bad. Like we said, there are good times and there are bad times! Here are a few tips to get the most from your next concert experience.

1.  Arrive early and scope the place out.

There will be traffic. It will be irritating to find parking. You may get lost on the way. Give yourself time! Plus, you’ll want to immediately locate: a meeting spot in case you lose your companions, the nearest bathroom, the most remote bathroom, the beer stands, and the food stands. If you want to buy a souvenir of some sort, do it now.

2.  Take your vitamins.

Prevent a bad next day with the right cocktail of vitamins. Eat a salad and a big old burger to deliver antioxidants, iron and B vitamins. A recovery patch with vitamin C, magnesium, Lycopene, taurine and B vitamins will give you the energy and the stamina to survive a long, wild, and crazy night.

3.  Be smart about your wardrobe.

Ladies, that tiny tank top might seem like a hot commodity, but what’s it going to look like if you get too close to the masses and the thin straps rrrrrip? What if your white t-shirt gets drenched in sweat and rain? Guys, don’t wear layer upon layer of hooded sweatshirts or the t-shirt of the band you’re going to see. (We all know you’re a fan.)

4.  Don’t get caught with your pants down.

The restroom will most assuredly run out of toilet paper. Bring tissues or paper towels. Bring hand sanitizer. While you’re at it, feminine hygiene products, bandages, aspirin and earplugs are purse essentials too.

5.  Stake out a good location.

Usually, you can get fairly close if you’re willing to hang out slightly stage-left or stage-right. Don’t think you’ll be able to enjoy the show front and center. More than likely, you’ll be kicked in the head. If you’re in a big arena, you can plan on standing the entire time if you score “floor tickets.” There will probably be someone dancing in front of you in the 100-level seats, too. The seats in the far back or upper levels tend to have the most “sitters.” AT an outdoor concert, the lawn seats can be a mess of people who are barely paying attention to the show. It can be highly distracting, so get there early and move a little closer.