4 Benefits of Nuun Sport Hydration Tablets for Athletes
By: Beth Rush
Managing Editor at Body+Mind
You’re probably the type who will do anything to amplify your health and nutrition routine. Athletes especially need to take care to protect their bodies. Innovations in the supplement world, like Nuun Sport Hydration Tablets are an easy way to boost your electrolytes, stay hydrated and support a fitness journey to your best self. What are the benefits of building a habit with them?
What Are Nuun Sport Hydration Tablets?
Nuun Sport is a brand of electrolyte tablets you can put in water.¹ It is dissolvable in a 16-ounce glass of water, often advertised to many as an alternative to drinks like Gatorade.
To please even the pickiest athlete, it comes in numerous fun flavors like strawberry lemonade and lemon-lime. Electrolyte drinks of any form should not be a substitute for water, even though the tablet dissolves in it.
The Nutritional Facts
For health enthusiasts who love the nitty-gritty details, here are some of the tablet’s specs so you know its nutritional composition:
- Certified vegan, kosher and gluten-free
- Verified non-GMO
- 1 gram of sugar
- 15 calories per serving of one tablet
- 4 grams of carbohydrates
- 13 milligrams of calcium
- 150 milligrams of potassium
- 25 milligrams of magnesium
- 300 milligrams of sodium
- 40 milligrams of chloride
Its ingredients list is fairly short. Most of it contains the electrolytes, but also includes citric acid, sodium bicarbonate, stevia leaf extract, avocado oil and a few other trace items. There is also a variant that has safe levels of caffeine for those who can’t go without their daily fix.
Why Would I Need to Take Nuun Sport Hydration Tablets?
If you’ve done workouts your whole life without hydration tablets, why would you start now?
Electrolyte Loss by Sweating
Athletes lose precious electrolytes sweating during a workout, and it’s more noticeable in hot summer heat.² Common ones your body craves after a workout include calcium, magnesium, potassium and more.
Motivation and Mental Health
You may also need the supplement to calm your mind. Around one in five U.S. adults say mental health is a common challenge, which impacts how the body responds to physical activity.³
Everyone should feel empowered and never unmotivated to exercise for any reason. When the majority of people let life’s daily stressors impact their body and mind to the point of dehydration and reduced physical performance, you should do anything to help it stay in tiptop shape.
More Diverse Electrolyte Sources
Many dismiss the importance of these nutrients in the body because they are common in lots of foods. Bananas are one of the most popular because of their high potassium content.⁴ But if you don’t feel like eating a bunch of bananas or have a food allergy, electrolyte tablets are the way to go.
Support Downside Of Low Electrolytes
You’re working out to make your body stronger, but you may inadvertently make conditions worse if you ignore electrolyte levels. If the body runs low on them, you could be facing hospital time. Side effects of low or unbalanced electrolytes are:⁵
- Kidney malfunction
- Fatigue
- Pancreatitis
- Dehydration
- Dizziness
- Irregular heart rhythm
These are only a few of the side effects. So, if you and your friends want to avoid overextending yourself during training, consider supplementing your routine with electrolytes.
4 Benefits of Nuun Sport Hydration Tablets
Who’s to say Nuun Sport hydration tablets aren’t just another unproven health fad? Fortunately, the effectiveness of electrolyte tablets has been the subject of studies proving they are the real deal. Obviously, the best benefit is minimizing the likelihood of electrolyte imbalances, but what else does your money go toward?
1. No Harm from Banned Substances
There is a reason the Olympic committee takes certain ingredients seriously. You don’t want to influence your body in the incorrect way. That’s why Nuun gets third parties to test their ingredients for banned substances, holding it to stricter standards than other similar athletic products on the market.
So, the advantage here is that you do not endure the negative consequences of banned ingredients, such as stimulants and hormones, that are sometimes found in other athletic products.
2. Improved Fluid Balance
Researchers also took urine samples to measure each individual’s beverage hydration index (BHI). This represents the amount of urine someone produced after consuming the Nuun drink versus regular water. Participants who consumed the tablets urinated less than those who drank just water but maintained better fluid balance.
Notably, blood pressure and heart rate were not impacted by the product, giving people a greater peace of mind.
3. Better Osmolality
Osmolality describes how concentrated a liquid is with solute particles. What does this mean for athletes? Water travels throughout the body and enters the cells to hydrate you. Many sports drinks with high carbs and sugars have higher osmolality, taking longer for your body to absorb through osmosis. You want hypotonic drinks, which have low osmolality.
If you’ve ever gone on a run after drinking fruit juice, Gatorade, or anything similar, you know what it's like to have an upset tummy because your stomach feels like a raging ocean. You want low osmolality levels in electrolyte beverages so your body accepts them faster and prevents discomfort from drinking something.
Nuun Sports tablets have lower carbs and other sugars compared to competitors. Hypotonic beverages are proven to improve metabolic function and indigestion in athletes, alongside boosted hydration levels.⁷
4. Expedited Muscle Recovery
You know what it’s like the morning after a rigorous training session — everything hurts. Part of the reason this happens is electrolyte deficiencies. It prevents muscle cramps and speeds up recovery for the most consistent, pain-free workouts.
This concludes the most unique benefits of Nuun Sport Hydration Tablets.
Top Chewables For Hydration & Recovery

Boost your hydration and feel your best with Zaca, the ultimate chewables for active lifestyles and athletes. These chewables are packed with a potent blend of antioxidants, vitamins, and flavonoids, supporting not only hydration but also recovery. Easy to carry and even easier to consume, there’s no need for mixing with water – just pop 2-4 chewables in your mouth and go. These tasty berry-flavored chewables can help you crush competitions, run marathons, and reach higher heights than ever. Try Zaca’s chewable supplement today and start your journey to better hydration and enhanced vitality!
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