Punch - The Arms Race to Cure Your Hangover - Zaca

Punch - The Arms Race to Cure Your Hangover

Punch - The Arms Race to Cure Your Hangover

punch - The Arms Race to Cure Your Hangover

"DHM is a popular building block among hangover brands, like the before-and-after oral supplement Flyby and the chewable Zaca, which helped me tiptoe through a reception featuring a Negroni fountain that I metaphorically swam in; and a breakneck, tequila-soaked hop from Philadelphia to Jalisco and back, respectively."

- Punch (PunchDrink.com), November 23, 2018 
The Arms Race to Cure Your Hangover - The quest to overcome self-inflicted damage has given rise to an entire industry of pills, patches, tonics and more.


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