6 Tips for Adjusting to Shimla’s Elevation

Shimla Elevation

By: Beth Rush
Managing Editor at Body+Mind

Adjusting to Shimla’s height from sea level isn’t the easiest feat. Although it’s far from the highest city in the world, its altitude can affect those traveling from lower-lying areas. 

However, this location has gained a reputation as one of the world’s best summer resorts for a good reason. Ecotourism opportunities abound, as do health spas and relaxing retreats for practicing yoga, indulging in body treatments and recovering from the slings and arrows of daily existence. Considering Shimla elevation, the following six tips can make your trip even more memorable by keeping you feeling your best despite the altitude.

What Is Shimla’s Height From Sea Level? 

Shimla, India, lies at an elevation of roughly 7,100 feet.¹

Shimla Elevation:

  • Shimla elevation - 7,100 ft (2,200 m)

That makes it nearly 2,000 feet taller than the “Mile High” city of Denver. You can use that point of reference to gauge how Shimla’s height from sea level may affect you. It might not set you back much if you dwell amid the mountains at home, but folks from along the coast may need an adjustment period.

What Are the Best Things to Do in Shimla?

Those who come to India for a taste of the culture flock to Shimla Ridge. This thriving hotspot provides expansive views of the city while serving as an art and cultural mecca that captures the regional spirit.² Visit the photo art gallery or meditate at Tara Devi Temple, where devotees go for spiritual enlightenment. The Indian Institute of Advanced Studies is a must-visit for those interested in higher education and is also a heritage site.

Shimla is perhaps best known for its plethora of outdoor activities. You can participate in healing ecotherapy activities such as riding your bike through the meandering trails as you gaze at the towering Himalayan Mountains or practicing yoga as the morning light streams through the bows of the pine forests.³ Venture out at night — you might capture an amazing photograph of the Milky Way above the peaks of the world’s tallest mountains.

When Is the Best Time to Go to Shimla?

Those who prefer warmer climates should book their trip to Shimla between April and June.⁴ If, like Disney’s Elsa, the cold never bothered you anyway, the second season between November to January lets you hike through some of the best snowy environments in India.

What Is Altitude Sickness?

Altitude sickness occurs as your body adjusts to lower oxygen concentrations at higher elevations. Although it typically strikes above 8,000 feet above sea level and affects nearly everyone at 11,000 feet or higher, those who are sensitive may experience symptoms as low as 5,000 feet, especially if they spend most of their time in low-lying or coastal areas.⁵

What Are the Symptoms of Altitude Sickness?

Watch out for the following signs of altitude sickness as you adjust to Shimla’s height from sea level.

Signs of Shimla altitude sickness:

  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Lack of appetite
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • An inability to sleep despite feeling tired
  • Dizziness and lightheadedness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swelling in your hands, feet or face

Please don’t try to push through such symptoms — doing so only makes them worse. Instead, rest and give yourself time to adjust to the higher altitude. Seek medical attention if you experience signs like a blue tint to your skin, going gray or pale, chest tightness, coughing up blood or decreased consciousness.

What Are the Treatments for Altitude Sickness? 

Fortunately, most cases of altitude sickness remain mild and require only rest to adjust. While descending to a lower altitude may not be possible on your trip, you can ask for supplemental oxygen to ease the transition. Some hotels may even provide it as a courtesy.

6 Tips to Adjust to Shimla’s Elevation

The following six tips can help you adjust to Shimla’s height from sea level. As a Colorado based high-altitude company, we have experience on the best things to do.

6 Tips to Adjust to Shimla’s Elevation:

1. Give Yourself Extra Time

If possible, give yourself plenty of time on your trip and plan to spend the first day or two adjusting to Shimla’s height from sea level. You might use this time to book a relaxing treatment or simply chill out in your hotel room. If you feel up to it, some light shopping or stepping out for coffee may help you see how well your body manages the altitude change. Postpone any biking, hiking or rafting excursion for later in your journey.

2. Stay Hydrated

Getting dehydrated can worsen nearly any existing health woes. Even a 1.6% water loss increases feelings of fatigue and anxiety, and you might already feel exhausted from your journey and the change in altitude.⁶

Higher altitudes also dehydrate you more quickly, so you need more water than you would normally consume. Otherwise, your red blood cells may clump together more readily, worsening altitude sickness symptoms. Carry a reusable bottle with you and accept refills.

3. Try a Supplement 

While water helps, it may not be as effective alone. You also need various electrolytes like sodium, potassium and magnesium to maintain your body’s fluid balance. High altitudes deplete your body’s supply of these elements more quickly.

Fortunately, you can readily restore your body’s electrolyte levels with the right supplement. You can find chewable electrolyte tablets that slip easily into your carry-on bag and dissolve in your mouth when you feel too sick to munch.

4. Carbo-Load a Bit 

If you typically do keto or Atkins, it’s time to let loose a little.7 Consuming carbohydrates can help with altitude sickness. When oxygen levels decrease, your body dips into its carb stores for energy, depleting them more quickly.⁸ You should dig into a big old bowl of Hakka noodles without feeling a shred of guilt. Besides, how often do you get to enjoy authentic Indian street food?

5. Lay Off the Sauce

Like dehydration, alcohol can make every symptom of altitude sickness worse. In fact, it’s best to not drink at all, at least during the first day or two — otherwise, you might mistake your symptoms for a hangover and try to push through them. If you do choose to indulge, know your limits and alternate each booze-containing beverage with a glass of water.

6. Supplement Your Oxygen

Fortunately, you’ll find no shortage of shops offering supplemental oxygen on your visit, given Shimla’s height from sea level. Some hotels even offer it as a courtesy. If yours does, take advantage. Mt. Everest climbers rely on this stuff to reach the summit.

Adjusting to Shimla’s Height From Sea Level 

Adjusting to Shimla’s height from sea level means remaining extra mindful during the first day or two of your visit. Although some people experience few if any symptoms, pushing through them, even if mild, can make the condition worse. 

Instead, give yourself extra time to enjoy your vacation and adjust to the change. Drink plenty of water, prepare yourself with your favorite supplement and go easy the first day. Doing so goes a long way toward ensuring a pleasurable, memorable and healthy holiday. 

Zaca, A Top Rated Supplement For Mountain Trips

Elevation Tablets
Trusted by adventurers, outdoor enthusiasts, and travelers alike, Zaca makes a chewable that helps you feel better faster. Each packet is packed with essential nutrients and herbs including antioxidants that help fight the high altitude oxidative stress. Forget the hassle of messy powders or pills—Zaca’s chewable format is easy to take on the go to hydrate and revive. With a refreshing berry flavor, conveniently eat 2-4 chewables per day. Try Zaca's chewable supplement today and conquer your next trip with confidence.



1. Shimla, India
2. 30 things to do in Shimla: Witness the charm of the Queen of the Hills
3. Ecotherapy
4. The best time to visit Shimla
5. How altitude sickness affects your lungs
6. 5 health tips about water
7. The key differences between keto and Atkins diets
8. Preventing altitude sickness when hiking at high altitudes