8 Best Electrolyte Tablets For Marathon Runners
By: Beth Rush
Managing Editor at Body+Mind
As a distance runner, you know how important it is to fuel your body during and after a long run. Whether you’re preparing for a weekend training session or race day is coming up, electrolytes are essential if you want to make it to the finish line. Learn more about the importance of staying hydrated and the best electrolyte tablets for marathon runners.
Why Should Runners Use Electrolyte Tablets?
While a regular diet of electrolyte-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meats and milk is important, sitting down for a full meal in the middle of a marathon isn’t an option. If you need a quick electrolyte boost during an hours-long run, try tablets. Electrolyte tablets are popular among many marathon runners thanks to their fast action, ease of use and wide variety of flavors.
Electrolytes are necessary to stay hydrated and keep your muscles going strong. They play a role in sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium retention, all of which are important minerals for muscle strength, bone health and hydration. A loss of electrolytes can result in cramping, dizziness and lethargy — the last things any marathon runner wants to deal with mid-race.¹
While elite athletes can run a marathon in just over two hours, the average time for typical runners in 2019 was 4:30:46 for men and 4:56:39 for women.² No matter how long it takes you to run 26.2 miles, that’s a lot of time on your feet. You lose electrolytes through sweat and physical exertion, which can be disastrous if you don’t take steps to fuel properly. Fortunately, there are effective ways to maintain a healthy electrolyte balance as a runner.
The 8 Best Electrolyte Tablets for Marathon Runners
Whether you’re fueling on the run or replenishing after a long workout, these are the top electrolyte tablets to stay strong and energized.
Here's the 8 Best Electrolyte Tablets for Marathon Runners:
1. Zaca Recovery Chewables
Don’t want to wait for a tablet to dissolve to start hydrating? Zaca’s chewables are the best tablets for athletes looking for a fast and refreshing hydration.
2. Nuun Sport Hydration
As one of the biggest names in sports nutrition, Nuun offers hydration tablets that make it easy — and delicious — to make it through your run. Like many sports tablets, all you have to do is drop one in your bottle, wait for it to dissolve and then enjoy the energy boost. Nuun Sport Hydration comes in several fruity flavors to please your palate, from classics like grape and watermelon to strawberry lemonade and fruit punch.
3. GU Hydration Tabs
If you still prefer drinking your electrolytes, GU Hydration Tabs are an excellent low-calorie, high-sodium choice. Just add a tablet to a bottle of water and sip it throughout your run or after a workout.
Each unique flavor has its own benefits, from the refreshing tang of orange to GU’s first caffeinated option — strawberry hibiscus. Hydration Tabs are made with vegan ingredients so everyone can stay fueled on race day.
4. SaltStick Fastchews
For runners who like chewing their hydration tablets, Fastchews from SaltStick are carefully formulated to replace the electrolytes you lose through sweat during a long workout. Chew two every 30 minutes during a run for a boost within minutes.
Fastchews also feature unique flavors like peach and coconut. The sodium content will keep your muscles hydrated and alive, especially the leg muscles that get the biggest workout during a marathon.³
5. Skratch Labs Hydration Sport Drink Mix
Hydration Sport Drink Mixes by Skratch Labs are made with the bare essentials to protect your gut. Some runners have sensitive stomachs and don’t enjoy electrolyte tablets with artificial sweeteners and other excess ingredients.
Skratch Labs uses real fruit and the right amount of sugar to avoid GI distress. Add a packet of mix to your water bottle before you head out on a long run.
6. Hammer Nutrition Endurolytes Fizz
These fizzy tablets from Hammer Nutrition are another great option for runners who don’t want to be overwhelmed by sweet flavors during a marathon.
Add the right dose to your water — you can break Endurolytes Fizz tablets in half to personalize your dosing — and enjoy an electrolyte drink that keeps you hydrated.
7. Bubs Naturals Hydrate or Die
If you’re running in a particularly hot and humid climate or you’re prone to heavy sweating, you might consider Bubs Naturals Hydrate or Die drink mix.
This electrolyte powder packs a high-sodium punch with natural ingredients like Himalayan salt, magnesium citrate and organic coconut water powder base. Each sip will get you closer to the finish line.
8. SiS Hydro Tablets
These SiS Hydro Tablets are designed for convenient and effective hydration on the run. Just drop one into your water bottle and experience the benefits within minutes.
This UK-based solution comes in flavorful options like lemon, pineapple/mango and cola, so you’ll never get bored of the taste.
How to Choose the Best Electrolyte Tablets for Your Run
Every runner knows that when it comes to training for a marathon, there’s never a one-size-fits-all solution. The right fueling strategy depends on several factors and personal preferences, such as:
Ingredients: While some runners are able to digest anything on the go, many have more sensitive stomachs. Products that are high in sugar or artificial ingredients may upset your digestive system, especially during intense exercise. Try a range of electrolyte products on your long runs, checking the ingredients first to find what works for you ahead of race day.
Convenience: When it comes to electrolytes, you have options. Do you prefer eating gels and chews, adding tablets to your drink, or mixing a powder into your water bottle ahead of time? Some runners prefer the convenience of preparing their hydration before the race while others like the fast-acting nature of chewables.
Value: Depending on the distance, duration and frequency of your long runs, you may have to stock up on several tubes or packs of your favorite electrolyte fuel. Keep any budget concerns in mind.
Climate: Even the weather can affect your marathon’s fueling plan. If you’re preparing to race in a hot, humid environment, you’ll need to be even more meticulous with your electrolyte intake. More sweat means losing more electrolytes, so consider high-salt tablets that will keep your sodium levels balanced.⁴
Flavor: Don’t underestimate the importance of your palate when it comes to picking the top electrolyte tablets. If you want to avoid hitting the wall during your marathon, you need flavors you can stomach as the miles rack up.
The Top Tablet To Naturally Boost Your Next Marathon

Boost your performance and endurance with Zaca, the ultimate natural chewable for marathon runners. Whether you're gearing up for your next big race or looking to push your limits in training, these chewable tablets are your secret weapon. Packed with a unique blend of antioxidants, herbs, and vital nutrients, Zaca Chewables are designed to enhance your stamina and speed up recovery.
Just pop 2-4 tablets before and during your run, also after your run for added recovery. Order your pack of Zaca's chewable supplement today and take your performance to the next level.
1. The Benefits and Importance of Drinking Water: 6 Hydration Tips, https://bodymind.com/the-benefits-and-importance-of-drinking-water-6-hydration-tips/
2. Average Marathon Time: Can You Beat It?
3. Strong Legs, Strong Finish: 8 Calf Workouts for Marathon Runners
4. How to Deal With Running in Humidity