Altitude supplements are important for high altitude trips and journeys, as the body requires different nutrients in order to perform at its optimal level. These nutrients are used by the body to help with energy production, oxygen transportation, fluid balance and maintenance of muscle.
High altitude is defined as 8,000 feet and above. At this elevation, the air is so thin that less oxygen is available to breathe. Air pressure decreases in direct proportion to altitude — that is, the higher you go, the lower the air pressure. Having the right altitude supplements can make your trip safer and more enjoyable.
Altitude supplements, such as our Zaca chewables, contain various antioxidants, herbs and amino acids to help you feeling your best. Zaca is formulated with 3 ingredients that have science-backed altitude research.
These 3 altitude-researched ingredients for Zaca's altitude supplements are:
A study out of Brazil found that supplementation with glutamine may help reduce mood and cognition worsening from high altitude hypoxia, or low oxygen levels.² In addition, glutamine can help with dehydration from high altitudes due to dryer air and increased respiration.
(Source 2) The Possible Importance of Glutamine Supplementation to Mood and Cognition in Hypoxia from High Altitude
The combination of these three high-quality ingredients contained in Zaca make it the top choice when it comes to altitude supplements. Science-backed chewables, and easy to use anywhere a high altitude trip takes you.
Zaca is packed with so many benefits:
Try our Zaca chewables today for your next altitude trip!
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