Jackson Hole Altitude Sickness: The Complete Guide - Zaca

Jackson Hole Altitude Sickness: The Complete Guide

Jackson Hole Altitude Sickness

Whether relaxin, exploring, hiking or skiing — visiting Jackson Hole Wyoming means having to deal with altitude sickness. In this guide, you'll learn about Jackson Hole altitude, Jackson Hole altitude sickness and our best tips to avoid it.

Jackson Hole Altitude

Jackson Hole altitude sits at 6,311 feet (1,924 m) in elevation. While not as high as some Colorado resorts, Jackson Hole elevation peak goes to as high as 10,450 feet (3,185 m).

  • Jackson Hole altitude - 6,311 ft to 10,450 ft (1,924 m to 3,185 m)

Based out of Wyoming, Jackson Hole is a popular destination for tourists who want to enjoy the breathtaking scenery and great skiing. While Jackson Hole Mountain Resort is the well known ski spot, there's actually two other resorts including Snow King Mountain Resort and Grand Targhee Resort.

Just a short drive away is Grand Teton National Park, and only about an hour drive north sits Yellowstone National Park.

The whole Jackson Hole area is world renowned its incredible views and iconic snow-capped mountains.

  • Snow King Mountain Resort altitude -  6,237 ft to 7,808 ft (1,901 m to 2,380 m)
  • Grand Targhee Resort altitude - 7,408 ft to 9,862 ft (2,258 m to 3,006 m)
  • Grand Teton National Park altitude - 6,320 ft to 13,775 ft (1,926 m 4,198 m)
  • Yellowstone National Park - 8,104 ft (2,470 m)

Jackson Hole altitude and its surrounding areas are high enough to give concern to altitude sickness.

Do People Get Altitude Sickness In Jackson Hole?

Yes, people get altitude sickness in Jackson Hole.

According to the University Of Michigan, altitude sickness starts at altitudes above 6,000 feet.⁵ In our experience being located in Denver, even some visitors at around 5,000 feet can experience moderate altitude sickness.

At 6,311 feet in Jackson Hole — the oxidative stress, increased respiration, and lack of oxygen at these heights can cause altitude sickness in many visitors.

You'll want to be well prepared for altitude sickness on your Jackson Hole trip. We'll share our best tips below.

Jackson Hole Altitude Sickness

Jackson Hole altitude sickness, also called acute mountain sickness, is a common condition from the reduced air pressure at higher altitudes causing lower oxygen levels.

Symptoms may develop gradually or all at once, beginning several hours after you arrive at altitude. Typically they develop between 6 and 24 hours of arrival at Jackson Hole.

The symptoms may resemble those of influenza or a hangover and include headache, nausea, and fatigue. If you're going to Jackson Hole, it's important to know some of the symptoms of altitude sickness.

Jackson Hole altitude sickness symptoms may include:

  • headache
  • dizziness and light-headedness
  • nausea and vomiting
  • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • nausea and vomiting
  • fatigue and weakness
  • trouble sleeping or insomnia
  • malaise or feeling ill

If coming from sea level, you may experience even more severe Jackson Hole altitude sickness symptoms. Either way, it's important to monitor yourself for any of these signs when you first arrive.

Is It Hard To Breathe In Jackson Hole?

If coming from sea level, 6,311 feet high at Jackson Hole can be a shock to the system. You can certainly find it harder to breathe in Jackson Hole due to the high altitude and potential altitude sickness symptoms.

In fact, olympic athletes will train in places like Colorado Springs at 6,035 feet due to the altitude making it harder to breathe, but while good for training.

If you're planning to do more intense activities such as hike and ski, or go up to altitude like at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort with up to 10,450 feet in elevation — it will get much harder to breathe.

Is Wyoming A High Altitude State?

Yes, Wyoming is a high altitude state.

The mean altitude in Wyoming is around 6,700 feet in elevation above sea level. Just under Colorado at 6,800 feet in mean altitude, Wyoming is the second highest state in the US.⁶

Whether Jackson Hole, the Grand Tetons, or Yellowstone National Park — this is considered high altitude in most areas of Wyoming.

Can You Get Altitude Sickness In Wyoming?

Yes, you can get altitude sickness in Wyoming.

With a mean altitude of 6,700 feet in Wyoming, these heights will lower oxygen levels from the lower air pressure. Just like Jackson Hole, many areas of Wyoming have similar altitudes and therefore carry similar risks of altitude sickness.

5 Tips To Avoid Jackson Hole Altitude Sickness

Jackson Hole is a popular destination for skiers, hikers and adventurers alike. With over 2,500 acres of skiing terrain, pristine hiking trails and big game hunting, it’s easy to see why so many people flock to Jackson Hole every year.

But what most people don’t realize is that the altitude in Jackson Hole can be detrimental to those who aren’t acclimated to the elevation. If you're traveling to Jackson Hole, you'll want to be prepared for the altitude sickness.

Being based out of Colorado with years of experience in high altitudes, we'll share our top tips with you.

Here's 5 Tips To Avoid Jackson Hole Altitude Sickness:

1. Acclimate Gradually

One of the best ways to avoid altitude sickness is to acclimate gradually.

If you can, plan to spend a day or two at a lower altitude before going higher. For example, if you're coming from sea level you can fly into Idaho Falls airport at 4,744 feet (approx. 2 hour drive) or the Salt Lake City Airport at 4,226 feet (approx. 5 hour drive).

These altitudes are nearly 2,000 feet below the elevation of Jackson Hole. By spending a night or two in those cities before heading to Jackson Hole, your body will have time to adjust to the altitude gradually.

When you first arrive, avoid hiking or skiing the mountain the first day or two with the Jackson Hole elevation peak at 10,450 feet. This applies again to allow your body the time to acclimate before heading to higher altitudes.

2. Maximize Hydration

You should also try to maximize your hydration before and while traveling up into higher elevations.

Altitudes as high as Jackson Hole will increase your respiration and fluid loss in your body. Dehydration can quickly lead to symptoms similar to altitude sickness such as headaches and nausea.

Make sure your body stays hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Experts say at least two quarts (half gallon) of water per day or half your body weight in ounces of water.

This also means getting electrolytes — and while some will think of Gatorade or Pedialyte, we believe those have unhealthy amounts of sugar. Simply adding sea salt to your food/water can help with electrolytes.

TIP: Taking Zaca electrolyte tablets can help increase water absorption and electrolyte intake.

3. Rest & Take It Easy

Your body needs time to adjust, so make sure not to overdo it during your first few days in Jackson Hole. While you can stay active and get out there, don't push yourself too hard at the beginning like going hiking or skiing.

Also rest well. Getting enough sleep is important for any trip especially one at altitude, Jackson Hole is no exception. Getting enough rest will help your body recover and give it time to adjust as well.

OrthoCarolina states sleep helps increase blood flow with feeds oxygen to the cells.⁷ They recommend 7-9 hours of nightly sleep for maximum benefit.⁷

4. Limit Alcohol

While you may want to enjoy beverages when you arrive to Jackson Hole, you will want to limit alcohol consumption the first night or two.

Alcohol has a diuretic effect on the body, which means it causes increased urination and leads to dehydration even faster. This can negates any benefits from drinking water in the first place, deplete nutrition, and even cause symptoms just like altitude sickness such as headache and fatigue.

Once you know you're free of altitude sickness symptoms, will it be safe to consume alcohol.

5. Take Glutathione

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect your body from harmful free radicals, which become a problem at high altitudes.

  • Research shows that high altitudes can reduce glutathione in the body by up to 45%.⁸
With the reduction of glutathione and high amounts of oxidative stress on the body from the high altitudes of Jackson Hole — replenishing glutathione is an effective way to your body combat the physiological stress.

Supplement glutathione to help increase your glutathione levels.

To conclude, follow these well researched tips to avoid Jackson Hole altitude sickness — including acclimating gradually, maximizing hydration, resting and taking it easy, limiting alcohol consumption, and taking glutathione.

Top Pick Supplement For Altitude

Altitude Supplement Jackson Hole
Zaca is a top pick supplement for traveling to high altitude destinations. These fast-acting chewables contain a unique blend of ingredients to help you rehydrate, replenish, and recover. Each chewable is packed with glutathione, as well as other antioxidants and herbs to combat oxidative stress. Simply take 2-4 chewables a day while traveling, or as needed. Try Zaca Chewables today and power your mountain trip.





1. Jackson Hole Mountain Resort
2. Grand Targhee Resort
3. Snow King Mountain
4. Grand Teton
5. Altitude Sickness University Of Michigan Health Service
6. The Climate of Wyoming
7. Sleep: The Secret Ingredient of Injury Recovery
8. Effect of high altitude (7,620 m) exposure on glutathione