The Ultimate Guide To Electrolyte Supplements For Keto

electrolyte supplements keto

In this article we're going to cover everything you should consider when looking for an electrolyte supplement on the ketogenic diet. Electrolyte supplements are particularly useful to those on the keto diet, or any type of low carb diet.  

Electrolyte supplements for Keto are extremely important and one of the most commonly asked questions. The truth is, if you were low-carb for a long period of time, it’s easy to become deficient in certain electrolytes and minerals. This guide will go over the keto diet, keto flu, electrolytes importance, and finding the best electrolyte supplements for keto.

The Ultimate Guide To Electrolyte Supplements For Keto

What is the keto diet and electrolytes

What is the keto diet?

The keto diet (also called ketogenic diet) is a low carb, high fat diet that shares similarities to paleo, Whole30, and Atkins. Keto focuses on eating whole foods like meat, eggs, cheese, vegetables which have a lot of fiber and protein as well as healthy fats. Carbs are limited to 50 grams total per day. Since you're not eating grains, beans or legumes on the keto diet - which are high in carbs - your body has no choice but to use up all the glucose (sugar) in your system. This causes you to enter what is known as a "fat-burning state" (ketosis). 

Electrolytes 101: What are electrolytes and why are they essential?

Electrolytes are electrically charged ions that carry an electric charge and are essential for many of your body's functions. Their main role is to maintain your body's fluid balance, or electrolyte levels, therefore helping to keep the body hydrated while on keto. They do this by allowing the movement of water in and out of cells to help keep the body in homeostasis.

Trying to maintain ketosis without electrolytes can be extremely dangerous. On the keto diet, you need electrolytes more than ever because they help regulate your hydration levels. This is why it's important to monitor your electrolyte intake closely. 

electrolytes on keto

Which electrolytes do you need most on keto?

There's at least 7 main electrolytes and over 84 minerals in total, but if you had to narrow it down to 4 main electrolytes it would include: sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. These are essential for the proper functioning of our cells, particularly our muscles. When you're on a keto diet, your body is running on ketones instead of glucose. Your body requires these electrolytes to balance out your system.

The Keto Flu: Some signs that you should supplement with electrolytes

Keto flu is a common side effect experienced by many when first starting the ketogenic diet or any other low carb diet. It's basically the body's natural response to switching from burning glucose for fuel, to burning fat for fuel. This shift can take several days to a week or more to fully adapt to and can cause some uncomfortable symptoms like:

• Lightheadedness
• Muscle cramps
• Brain fog and lack of mental clarity
• Mild dehydration
• Fatigue
• Nausea
• Diarrhea

Keto flu symptoms include those you experience when you suddenly cut back on carbs. The symptoms are similar to the flu and can last for 2 days to a week. The main thing to note is that keto flu symptoms are typically more severe in the first few days of cutting out carbs.

The main culprit of keto flu is a lack of electrolytes which are essential to keep your levels balanced, especially your sodium and potassium . The best way to replenish these lost electrolytes is naturally by consuming electrolyte supplements and the right kind of foods that have been shown to help eliminate keto flu symptoms!

best electrolyte supplements for keto

What are the best electrolyte supplements for keto: What to look for?

It is really common to feel dizzy, weak, light headed or nauseous on the keto diet. This is a result of low electrolytes and dehydration. You want to supplement electrolyte or hydration products, but beware of products what work agains't your keto diet! Here's what you should look for to find the best electrolyte supplements for keto:

1. Contains key electrolytes

Look for electrolyte supplements that contain these 7 essential minerals for the proper functioning of the nervous system, body and muscles tissues. There's many minerals that are vital to the body, but if you were to narrow down the most important while on keto, we'd recommend these 7:

• Calcium (Ca): helps blood clotting, nerve signaling, muscle contraction and bone development.

• Magnesium (Mg): needed for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body! Helps with carbohydrate metabolism, headaches, protein synthesis, muscle movement, neurotransmitter release and energy production.

• Potassium (K): essential for heart beating and muscle contraction, normalizes blood pressure and regulates fluid balance.

• Sodium (Na): helps transmit nerve impulses, regulates fluid balance and blood pressure and also helps digestion by increasing stomach acidity which aids in protein break down.

• Chloride (Cl): maintains fluid balance in cells and helps maintain water balance within the body.*

• Phosphorus (P): Helps build bones and teeth and assists with energy production.

2. Secret weapon, sea salt

You can actually supplement many of these essential electrolytes minerals simply by adding sea salt.

Sea Salt electrolytes are a great option to maximize mineral levels in the body. The saltiness comes from a small amount of sodium chloride and potassium chloride. The rest is sea salt, which contains trace amounts of numerous electrolytes and minerals, such as the important ones like magnesium and calcium.

Himalayan Pink Salt is one of the best sea salt options for electrolyte supplementation and one of the favorites amount the keto community. It is made up of sodium chloride (NaCl) and up to 84 trace minerals usually around 3-5% of the total content: including  potassium, iron, magnesium, sulphate, magnesium, calcium, potassium, bicarbonate, bromide, borate and strontium.

3. Sugar-free is a must

Sugar is a carb, and it used to be considered one of the worst for ketoers as you want to limit carbs to 50 grams. You'll obviously want to keep tabs on the amount of carbs you're consuming, but sugar is something you might not realize is just as much of a threat. Sugar is sneaky. It's in small amounts in a lot of foods you wouldn't expect it to be in.

Sugar, or fructose, is highly used in hydration and electrolyte products. You want to only use hydration products that are sugar-free or use no added sugar to maximize keto, while also giving you more for carbs in your daily meals.

4. Low carb is vital

The keto diet, by design, eliminates almost all carbs from your diet. Many electrolyte supplements are pretty high in carbs considering being on the keto diet. Sugar is a cuprit too, adding to the overall carb count. Many electrolyte supplements will have 8 to 20 grams of carbs. That could be close to half of your carbs in one product you take!

Shop for no or low carb type of hydration keto supplements, otherwise, just like sugar it will drastically take away from your carb range on meals. Drinks and powders tend to be high in carbs (and sugar), you'll have a better change of low-carb in pills or tablets that are small.


Are you looking for an easy way to hydrate on Keto? Try our keto-friendly, sugar-free, and low-carb Recovery Chewables supplement! 








1. Why Is Salt Needed in the Keto Diet?
2. 8 Common Keto Mistakes That Beginners Make, and How to Avoid Them
3. Why Do We Need More Salt on Keto?
4. Salt on Keto Diet: 3 reasons to include more
5. Is Himalayan Pink Salt Better For You